The solutions offered by Help Sumo tend to narrow down to about 15 key features. These key features are what makes the solutions, the cutting edge option for any business that wants to handle hundreds or even thousands of clients at any time efficiently.

Department Management & Staff Creation

These are some of the cross-cutting features. The features enable you to organise the department in such a way that the workflow can be tracked and analysed. Once you have user emails for the staff in the system, it becomes very easy to communicate company-wide and get feedback in real time.

Customers Portals

Help Sumo software ticketing solutions equips your clients, to be able to open and run accounts in the systems which essentially reduces their need for constant contact with the staff.

Open a Ticket & Knowledge Base

Help Sumo solutions are integrated with the ability to generate easy-to-fill-out and submit forms which in turn produce the tickets. It also enables you to know the most recurrent client issues and provides a means of developing knowledge bases for your customers.

Staff Panel & Newsletter Management

These are probably the most critical customer retention techniques. The features are integrated into the solutions in such a way that they free you up to assign the role of developing newsletters to specific staff. It also allows the designated team to generate and send out the newsletters rather seamlessly.

Email Parser & Media Manager

The email parser equips your team to create and assigns tickets from all inbound emails. This eliminates the possibility of lost or unattended queries in the system. Meanwhile, the media manager-which is one of the convenient solutions that integrates new media into your everyday ticketing system-allows you to use them in subsequent communications.

Social Media to Ticket

Lots of inquiries, complaints and compliments are forwarded through Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. That’s why the Help Sumo features that enables you to generate tickets from queries on social media is critical. What makes it crucial is that the nature of social media means an unattended question can quickly morph into a brand crisis.